Are you ready financially to start a business?
Are you ready financially to start a business? Many of us dream of starting our own businesses. The idea of working for ourselves and being our own boss has great appeal to alot of people. Yet, many aspiring entrepreneurs are not ready for the financial realities of...
Should you start a business with friends or family?
Should you start a business with friends or family? I was asked recently about what I thought of friends who start a business together. I don’t actually know a lot of friends that were in that situation. The few people that I do know have talked openly about the...
Certification Programs for Women Owned Small Businesses That Make a Difference
Certification Programs for Women Owned Small Businesses That Make a Difference For women, minorities and veterans, there are some terrific resources available that can help boost your sales efforts. Many small businesses are not aware of different certification...
Employee to Entrepreneur: Are you ready? 5 questions to ask yourself.
Employee to Entrepreneur: are you ready? 5 questions to ask yourself. Italk to allot of women who are getting serious about becoming an entrepreneur. The transition usually doesn’t happen over night. Most have been considering some kind of self- employment for a...
Talking About Your Credentials to Improve Your Business
Talking About Your Credentials to Improve Your Business I’ve worked with hundreds of small businesses in the last several years and one of the issues I see repeatedly from women is that we downplay our credentials. I was at a meeting recently in a room full of...
Lifestyle Entrepreneur: Go big or go home!
Lifestyle Entrepreneur Go big or go home! That’s what some people think when they start their own business. They think they have to build a company with employees, lots of customers and annual revenue growth. What’s wrong with starting a company so you can make...
4 Sales Tips That You Can Implement Today
4 Sales Tips That You Can Implement Today For many entrepreneurs, selling their product or service is their biggest challenge. We’re good practioners or we believe in the quality or the value of the product we’ve created, we’re just not as comfortable selling products...